Why choose NRT Developments for your dream project?
15 years experience & over 500 garden & home projects completed
Nottingham's #1 building company. Your dream garden, extension, renovation or new building project will be undertaken with the utmost attention to detail. And we are here to help after you afterwards, should you need us.
Get more for your money
Are you looking for a local, established builder in the Nottingham area? We aim to achieve 100% quality and satisfaction whilst keeping costs as low as possible. Choose a building company you can trust, choose NRT Developments for quality & affordability.
We offer design, consultation & project managemnt
We work with you from initial contact. Through to architectural design & garden/landscaping design. Planning permission submission, project management, project build & any required building regulations sign off.
We are friendly & easy to deal with
We offer transparency in our communication to our clients to help keep them at ease. Our expert designers and builders will remove all the stress out of the process, no matter how large or small the job.
Call 07984 204051

“Great customer service means following best practices like valuing customers’ time, having a pleasant attitude, and providing professional and skilled workmanship, but that you also take things a step further to exceed — rather than just meet — expectations”
Nigel Towlson
Founder & Owner, NRT Developments, Nottingham
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